Integrating Gender Dynamics into Innovation Ecosystems

Innovation policy makers often discuss the functioning of innovation systems in terms of ecosystems. Innovation ecosystems can be constructed around any subject matter. In this recent article we chose the topic of gender, which we examined as a component of innovation success. Most analyses of innovation systems tend to assume gender-neutral position with regard to identity and roles of participating actors and their activities. However, real-life innovations can often result in (A) different quality of outcomes for women and men; (B) the innovation potential of highly trained women remains unrealised; and (C) the recent socioeconomic empowerment of women as driver of market needs continues to be ignored. The latest research evidence from studies of gender issues in science can be used to show how innovation systems can benefit from adopting more gender sensitive approaches, which recognise the role gender plays in shaping knowledge and market activities. There are (at least) four scenarios for constructing gender sensitive innovation ecosystems possible based on different gender dynamics that combine scientific understanding of sex and gender differences with improved engagement of women in innovation process.  Another important problem in innovation system is the ‘valley of death’  i.e. the gaps between discovery and market opportunity.  Here too, it is possible to introduce new dynamics by bringing the two sides closer together through participatory methods and open and inclusive innovation practices, such as developed by Martina Schraudner at Fraunhofer or practiced through ‘crowd sourcing’ approaches on

Innovation is seen as the solution to long term growth in Europe and this article explores how we can more fully understand how gender knowledge can play a role in realising this ambition.

Read the full article via GenPORT: Integrating Gender Dynamics into Innovation Ecosystems

Key references available on GenPORT:

  1. The Consensus Report: Recommendations for Action on the Gender Dimension in Science
  2. Vulnerability of female drivers involved in motor vehicle crashes: An analysis of U.S. population at risk
  3. Vademecum on Gender Equality in Horizon 2020
  4. Discovery of Sexual Dimorphisms in Metabolic and Genetic Biomarkers
  5. Sex Bias in Neuroscience and Biomedical Research
  6. EvaRID - Anthropometric and Biomechanical Specification of a Finite Element Dummy Model of an Average Female for Rear Impact Testing
  7. Women Inventors in Context Disparities in Patenting across Academia and Industry
  8. SHE Figures 2012. Gender in research and innovation : statistics and indicators
  9. Waltz to excellence
  10. Why Don't Women Patent?
  11. Gender-specific patterns in patenting and publishing, Fraunhofer ISI Discussion Papers
  12. Gender Differences in Patenting in the Academic Life Sciences
  13. Buying science and selling science: gender differences in the market for commercial science
  14. Analysis of women's participation in high-technology patenting
  15. Gender and Leadership Style: A Meta-Analysis
  16. Gender differences in risk taking: A meta-analysis
  17. Womenomics revisited
  18. The Female Economy
  19. The power of parity: How advancing women’s equality can add $12 trillion to global growth
  20. Role Expectations as Constraints to Innovation: The Case of Female Managers
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