GenPORT is funded by the European Union FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2012-1 programme.

scientific excellence

Author Post date Title
2022-Sep-5 RESET Joint statement on our engagement for equality, diversity and excellence in research
2021-Feb-11 Reimagining academic assessment: stories of innovation and change
2017-Nov-21 Vicious circles of gender bias, lower positions, and lower performance: Gender differences in scholarly productivity and impact
Francesca Fiore
2016-Nov-21 Gender practices in the Construction of Excellence
Francesca Fiore
2016-Nov-21 Constructing excellence: the gap between formal and actual selection criteria for early career academics
2015-Jul-24 The Gendered Construction of Scientific Excellence
2015-Feb-20 Beyond the Glass Ceiling
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2014-Apr-25 WHITE PAPER on the Position of Women in Science in Spain
2014-Mar-25 AcademiaNet - The Portal to Excellent Women Academics
Rachel Palmén 2013-Dec-16 Meta-analysis of gender and science research – Country group report UK and Ireland countries
Rachel Palmén 2013-Dec-16 Meta-analysis of gender and science research – Country group report Nordic countries
Rachel Palmén 2013-Dec-16 Meta-analysis of gender and science research – Country group report Eastern countries
Rachel Palmén 2013-Dec-16 Meta-analysis of gender and science research – Country group report Continental countries
Author Post date Title
c.j.vinkenburg 2017-Nov-14 Capturing career paths of ERC grantees and applicants
Author Post date Title
2016-Mar-5 FESTA-GARCIA joint final conference
Laura Getz 2015-Sep-1 Ready for Dialogue Fachveranstaltung zur Geschlechterdimension in Wissenschaft und Forschung
Juliet Webster 2014-Nov-3 Genislab project final conference