GenPORT is funded by the European Union FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2012-1 programme.

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Author Post date Title
2014-Feb-24 The World Bank - Gender Equality Data and Statistics
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2014-Feb-24 Identifying Judicial Empathy: Does Having Daughters Cause Judges to Rule for Women’s Issues?
2014-Feb-24 European Union Open Data Portal
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2014-Feb-22 Addressing sex and gender in epidemic-prone infectious diseases
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2014-Feb-21 Do gender differences exist in pacemaker implantation?—results of an obligatory external quality control program
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2014-Feb-21 Women, Peace and Security in EU Common Security and Defence Policy
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2014-Feb-21 Statin Therapy in the Prevention of Recurrent Cardiovascular Events A Sex-Based Meta-analysis
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2014-Feb-21 Gender medicine: a task for the third millennium
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2014-Feb-21 Sex, Gender and Chemicals Factoring Women into Canada’s chemicals Management Plan
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2014-Feb-21 Powerful synergies Gender Equality, Economic Development and Environmental Sustainability
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2014-Feb-21 Gender and Sustainable Development. Maximising the Economic, Social and Environmental Role of Women.
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2014-Feb-20 Gender and Urban Transport: Fashionable and Affordable. Sustainable Transport: A Sourcebook for Policy-makers in Developing Cities
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2014-Feb-15 The Women's Library @ LSE
Henrietta Dale 2014-Feb-12 Drugs Withdrawn From Market, January 2001, Letter from US General Accounting Office,
Henrietta Dale 2014-Feb-12 Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering
Henrietta Dale 2014-Feb-12 Animal models used in identifying gender-­related differences
2014-Feb-12 wikigender
Henrietta Dale 2014-Feb-12 Sex Dimorphism in Wound Healing: The Roles of Sex Steroids and Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor
Henrietta Dale 2014-Feb-12 The Role of Sexual Dimorphism in the Economics of Wildlife Disease Managemet
Henrietta Dale 2014-Feb-12 Scoping the Gender Issues in Liquid Biofuel Value Chains