Igualtats Connectades : Intersectionality in local public policies
About (English version):
“Igualtats Connectades” studies the intersectional approach as applied in local public policies about non-discrimination. This pilot project will advance in the implementation of intersectionality, a perspective that has been theorized but with little experience of implementing it in specific policies. This project aims to investigate the possibilities of applying the principle of equality and non-discrimination in an intersectional way, in the context of a local authority, the City of Terrassa, and dialogue with civil society. This project aims precisely to investigate the possibilities of applying the principle of equality and non-discrimination in an intersectional way, in the context of a local authority, the City of Terrassa (Spain), and dialogue with civil society. The project includes collecting international experiences, training municipal staff and the public, as well as an international conference on the 13th of February 2019 held in Terrassa, to share the learning outcomes. All this will enable a process of reflection that will materialize in a collection of resources, with the idea that the experience is transferable to other administrations and other European cities.
About (Original language):
“Igualdades Conectadas” es un proyecto pionero que plantea cómo aplicar el enfoque interseccional en las políticas públicas locales de no discriminación. Con esta experiencia piloto se quiere avanzar en la implementación de la interseccionalidad, puesto que es una perspectiva que ha sido muy teorizada, pero hay poca experiencia de cómo se pone en práctica en políticas concretas. Este proyecto tiene el objetivo, precisamente, de indagar en las posibilidades de aplicar el principio de igualdad y no discriminación de manera interseccional en el contexto de una administración local, en este caso el Ayuntamiento de Terrassa, y en diálogo con la sociedad civil. La metodología incluye la recogida de experiencias internacionales, la formación a personal municipal y a la ciudadanía, así como una conferencia internacional en que se pondrán en común los aprendizajes logrados. Todo ello permitirá un proceso de reflexión, que se materializará en una guía de recursos, con la idea que la experiencia sea transferible a otras administraciones y ciudades europeas.
Monday, January 1, 2018 to Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Contact Email:
Type of Project:
Type of policy or practical measure:
Scientific discipline:
Gender and Science taxonomy:
Facts & concepts on gender inequality, Decision making, Intersectionality and diversity, Research content and knowledge production, Assessment of excellence, Gender stereotypes & bias, Uncovering & confronting bias, Social interactions and communication, Challenging stereotypes, Institutional practices and processes, Organization of work, tasks and resource allocation, Equality and diversity units, Networking practices, Policy setting & implementation, Political will and commitment, Coordination of resources and efforts, Legislation, regulation and compliance, Integration & mainstreaming of gender expertise, Historical perspectives & Future scenarios, Patterns in social & cultural exclusion, Sustainability
Submitted 6 years 3 months ago by gigi guizzo.